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One of Australia’s most respected superannuation research and consulting companies

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The trusted superannuation partner

We are superannuation experts specialising in ratings, research and consulting providing the superannuation industry with the tools and intelligence required to build value for their members and reach their strategic goals.

Our mission is to close the information divide between super funds and their members, and create a stronger super industry that benefits all Australians.

We’re focused on one thing – super

600+ superannuation products

$1.5 trillion in assets

28 million member accounts

Supporting Australia’s super funds and their members

Compare funds across a range of quantitative and qualitative factors

Understand the key industry and market dynamics that impact on fund performance

Learn about the latest industry trends with regular insights and commentary

Empowering our customers

The SuperRatings’ team are always very responsive to my needs and provide timely feedback and advice.

- Rob Cellini - VicSuper

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